Thursday, February 28, 2008

I've been tagged!

This is all becuase of Lindsay!

How long have you and your significant other been together?
11.5 years

Who eats more?
Steve eats more than me, but our 6 year old eats more than both of us. Example: Tonight for dinner he ate 4 pieces of french toast, eggs, hashbrowns, 4 big strawberries and 2 glasses of milk. I'm not sure how we'll be able to afford feeding this kid when he turns 7!

Who said "I love you" first?
I think Steve did

Who is taller?
Steve, by almost a foot

Who sings better?
I only sing in private. Steve will sing anywhere, so he wins that one.

Who is smarter?
Steve is smarter, but I'm more creative. So we excel in different things.

Who does the laundry?
I wash it and dry it, but NOBODY folds it or puts it away. We live out of laundry baskets. "Where are my socks?" "Go check one of the 7 laundry baskets to find some." True conversation!

Who does the dishes?
I do 6 days a week. Steve does it the other day.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?

Who pays the bills?
I do. This actually only started recently. For 10 years Steve paid every bill we got.

Who mows the lawn?
Steve. That's his job and I think he enjoys it.

Who cooks dinner?
I do or some restaurant does. =)

Who drives when you are together?

Steve drives but I nag and complain the whole time about how he does it!

Who is more stubborn?
I am so much more stubborn!

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong?
Because I'm so stubborn it would have to be Steve.

Whose parents do you see the most?
We see my parents once week if not more. We see Steve's parents 2-4 times a month

Who kissed who first?
It was a mutual thing.

Who proposed?

Who is more sensitive?
Are you kidding? I can cry over just about anything.

Who has more siblings?
Steve has 4 sisters.
I have 2 biological brothers, 2 adopted brothers and 3 adopted sisters. That makes 7all together.


Lindz said...

Yeah, I will attest to the fact that Steve will sing anywhere! I have heard him quite a few times rocking out to his IPOD while he mows the lawn...and it is pretty loud too because I could hear him OVER the lawnmower!! =)

Kate said...

So when is Steve going to join us Sunday mornings at 9:00? Sounds like we could use him!! And the laundry thing, sounds familiar. I think Lindsay must be a little loony!!!

Lindz said...

I tagged you again...I'm starting to realize that this is the only way I can get you to update your blog! =)

Becky said...

is it just me or is everything missing from your blog? I can't read what you wrote. Anyway, it is fun to see you blogging. Check out my blog sometime.
Don't feel too stressed about not keeping up, cut yourself some slack since you are the Relief Society Pres. Just a small calling. :o)
-Becky Leonard

Becky said...

Marci, I know you have a is time for you to write again. :o) lol