Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bye, Bye Binkie!!!

Some of you will have sympathy for me. We got rid of Zach's binkie last Friday. He's going to be 2 soon and it was time. Well a few things I've noticed...

1. He is SO loud!
2. He didn't bite his siblings as much with that binkie in his mouth. (What a horrible habit!)
3. He loves to walk around and make clucking noises.
4. He really can talk! :)
5. He still won't let me hold him and soothe him.
6. He is growing up. :(

Farewell our good friend! We had some good, quiet times with you. May you rest in peace in a landfill somewhere.;)


sinika said...

Oooo- good luck with that one! (I know how you feel!) :)

Lindz said...

Oh no....Zach is younger than Zoe and she STILL has her binky for bedtime!! Eeekk!! Hope it is working out ok!! Do you remember when Ayden gave his binkies to the garbage man?? I remember we were all standing outside when the garbage man can and Ayden was so excited to tell Emma what he just did!! I miss those days!! :(