Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We have some good news!

No we aren't having a baby! We (I mean all 5 of us at the same time. What was I thinking?) went to the dentist and we have no cavities. Okay so that really isn't that exciting but i didn't have anything else to blog about. I just want to add that the reason I did all of our appointments at the same time was because I hate going to the dentist office 4 or 5 separate times. It took a little over two hours but at least Steve was there to suffer through the whole experience with me. A family that suffers together, stays together right?


sinika said...

Ha! Ha! That really is good news- I love coming out of the dentist with no cavities. I seriously don't know how a kid can have no cavities though- so much sugar! So far we've been lucky with Elliott! Great job on the teeth brushing!

Becky said...

I am with you on all of us going to the dentist at the same time. I take all 6 kids in for their check-ups at once. It is quite the feat! I haven't been lucky enough to have all of us cavity free though. I have 2 kids with really weak tooth enamal and so I am guaranteed cavities. Poor kids!

Lindz said...

Wow...you guys had much better luck than we had at the dentist! =) I feel like we haven't seen you guys in forever...it's pretty sad when I find out about your good news from your blog! =) Ha...but good job on the new post!!

Nielson said...

Congrats!! 2 hours? That's really good considering it took 2 hours just for Jeremy and I to go last month. We didn't have any cavities, but there must have been a lot to clean since we were there for so long.....

Anonymous said...

I'm with you! Get it all over with at once no matter how painful. Plus, I'm not sure Hugh would actually follow through if he weren't going with us.

cragun family said...

no cavities. That is huge! Way to go!