Tuesday, January 22, 2008

There's a reason people!!!

Okay, so I haven't blogged in a little while. But, now I have a beef to settle with my dad. There are reasons that I am not fashionable and loathe shopping. The worst part is that I actually feel like I have to defend myself and give these reasons.

1)I was raised by the world's biggest tightwad. My dad NEVER bought anything for himself even if he REALLY needed it. He sacrificed everything for the good of his family. He was all about saving money and we actually went over our family finances every Monday night at FHE. (I wouldn't recommend doing that.) We had money but we weren't spoiled. Before we bought anything we had to ask ourselves if this item we were purchasing was a "need" or a "want". When you stop and think about it most things are just wants. So I have this "I don't really NEED much" mentality. I have a few shirts, some pants and skirts. I am actually proud to say that I only own 5 pairs of shoes. What is wrong with me? I blame it on my dad...he made me a TIGHTWAD!!!

2)I was overweight when I was growing up. I HATE shopping! I never fit into cute clothes and even if I did my parents never would have bought them for me. I am all about comfort over style.

All that being said, the other day when I was at my parents house my dad told me that I needed to dress more appropriately. More appropriately for what? I explained to him the above mention reasons why I don't dress appropriately and he said that he would give me money to go shopping. I'm an adult and I don't need my dad's money, but if all his sacrificing and saving all those years has given him all of this dispensable income...then that's fine, he can dispense of it to me! So I might pop up some time with a new shirt, pants, skirt or pair of shoes. Who knows? One thing that I do know is that I'll hate every minute I spend looking for it, trying it on, and buying it. The only good thing is it's not my money, which satisfies the tightwad in me!

p.s. Don't worry I'll post the token "fat pictures" of me growing up soon!:)


Lindz said...

So good to see that you have FINALLY posted!! This was a funny post...you better get to the mall & start shopping so you look more "appropriate" than you do now! Ha!!

Frankie D & Kristen Lee said...

If you hate it that much, Linz and I will go with you and pick everything out for you. That way all you have to do is put it on and spend someone elses money on it. :)

Unknown said...

You make me laugh. Hey live up shopping with daddy's wallet. He can pay for all the times in your youth, when you needed stuff and went without! :)
I am the bargain shopper of the world too. It truly is worth traveling totally out of my way to get a good deal. Trent works on convenience, so we butt heads in that department. Cute post, you make me laugh!

Kate said...

You are so funny. I would love to go shopping with you and help you spend daddy's money! I am going this Saturday at noon! Are you in??