Zach is two months old.
14 lbs.
24 1/4 inches
LIKES: being held all the time, spitting up, crying, his brothers and sister to talk to him, smiling
HATES: his carseat, his bumbo, being on his stomach, the cold weather, being ignored
NEEDS: a haircut, a nanny that can hold him all the time, a pacifier
Here are some pictures.
FINALLY!!! A post!! I have been waiting FOREVER!! How cute is little Zach...I love all that hair and his cute little smile! I can't believe he is only 2 months and already 14 lbs!! He is gonna pass up Zoe soon!! I wish we lived next door still cuz I would totally hold that kid all the time!! =) Glad you posted...we miss you guys!!
Zach is adorable. I wish my girls would have had hair like that.
How cute! You are so lucky to have him--enjoy!
Oh my goodness, he is so.... cute! I want to hold that baby. Marci, why stop at four? You and Steve produce BEAUTIFUL children. We miss you guys. Hopefully we can see you all in the spring or summer. Love you.
I will be his nanny. He is so dang cute! I always wish my kids had half as much hair as your kids by the time they are 5. What a sweetheart!
Marci--If you go to my most recent blog (there's a link, "Mom's blog" , on Kim's blog) Look at the 4th picture and you'll see what Zach's hair will be like in a few y ears!! Wild!!
His pictures made my day! So cute and funny!!!
Cutest boy ever!!
That is one cute baby! Love the hair. And I totally relate to the baby who wants to be held. Jake was held for the first 9 months of his life. Sheesh. I still think of you whenever I hear Daydream Believer - whichever version. The Monkees?
Ok, you are asking for an update from me after one week....excuse me Missy....it has been almost 3 months since you posted anything new!! WE NEED AN UPDATE ON YOU!! =)
Whatever, he is sooooo not still 2 months old! Where are you guys! Miss ya!!!!
Marci- he is adorable!! Congratulations- what an amazing thing to be a mom to 4 kids! You are awesome!
Oh, look at the tiny little baby. He hasn't grown at all since we saw him last! (smothered in sarcasm).
Hey how bout that trip to midway. We are doin' it this summer, PERIOD!!!! So what works?
Hey Marci....it's been 6 months! Have your kids grown at all?!?!?! =)
Seriously, I am not going to leave you alone, till I see more pictures of the kids and you guys. We were talking last night, and trent and I were both saying, we just need to get together, just do it. So, seriously, what do your next few months look like? And PS, I am pregnant, and thus assuming you aren't much behind me, right? Come on, go for 5.
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